Sunday, 1 February 2015

Grow Yourself

A guy walks in to a lingerie store to buy his wife some. He feels so embarrassed in the store. He is so uneasy. The harsh white florescent bulbs that give him that judging glare. And do the sales people make it easier for him? So Roy Raymond goes home thinking; Can men buy their partners lingerie without being embarrassed?
He realized there was this gap or opportunity and went ahead to create Victoria Secret. A departmental store where men could buy their wives lingerie comfortably without feeling weird or embarrassed. Roy just began with $80000, and the company is currently worth $5 billion. And which lady doesn't love Victoria Secret products?

And it's not just him who created a giant company just by seeing opportunities, there is this guy Ferruccio Lamborghini. This guy' s story is interesting and PR people should be keen on this one.

Ferruccio Lamborghini is a guy who liked cars, loved cars . Fast cars, he owned Fiats, and Mercedes... the fast cars of that time. He loved maserati but he did not like the way it was heavy and was not very fast.

His favourite car however was the Ferrari. "Lamborghini thought Ferrari's cars were good, but too noisy and rough to be proper road cars, categorizing them as repurposed track cars with poorly built interiors."
He also found the clutches to be inferior and required frequent trips to the garage, where the Ferrari technicians would take the car and rebuild it in secrecy, to the annoyance of Lamborghini.

Lamborghini raised these concerns to the aftersales service; he even went ahead and brought this up with Enzo Ferrari( founder of Ferrari) but was dismissed by the pride filled businessman.
Lamborghini went ahead to modify one of his own Ferrari which even out did the ones in stock in terms of performance.

It is after this that Lamborghini got the urge to build an automobile that could meet his needs. That ladies and gentlemen; is why we have Lamborghini hybrid cars.

These two men made me realize that life is not just about whining and complaints, it is all about seeing a gap and filling it. Seeing an opportunity and juicing it all its worth.
Use every opportunity to grow yourself to the next level.
Next time you complain about dial a delivery delaying the pizza, just think about a quicker delivery service you could create.

It's all in the mind, how you view it; a half filled bottle, is it half empty or half full. But think of it, a half full bottle is more desirable to fill to the brim, but a half empty bottle is much easier to be emptied.

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