stress disorder (PTSD) revolves around our emotional,
psychological and social well-being. It affects our flexibility to deal with
life’s inevitable challenges. Such as financial stress, relationship problems,
education, addictions and many more.
This arises
from a traumatic experience maybe sexual assault, death of loved one, horrific accidents and
kidnappings, burning down of property or even loss of a job. When an individual
experiences such scenarios they become depressed and all that lingers in their
mind is those events. Such people live in denial, as they continue fighting with
the reality they develop depression. Depression leads to hopelessness and lack
of enthusiasm. From a personal experience when there is no enthusiasm then what
follows is poor performance or results. Be it in school, work place or even in
our hobbies.
The list is
endless. But the question is, how do we help such victims get back on their
feet? And view life from the same perspective they used to. The first major and
simple step is empathizing with such people so that they can feel they are not
alone and someone understands them, this will make them share more and as they
are doing so you will be able to know the best approach to help them. Counseling
also works could be from the pastor or from a hospital counselor whichever one
finds appropriate. Therapies such as group therapy where people with the same
problem sit together in a group and share, activity therapy, and meditation
Simple activities
such as walking in the park, yoga, jogging, shopping in the malls or markets, accompanying
them to places of worship, performing house chores together, spending time with
friends also distracts their mind and without noticing they forget their traumas
and enjoy the moment. If this is done regularly it leads to a lasting result.
In case the victim has been left disabled it would be advisable to find them
something they can do for occupation, such as selling credit cards, sweets and
matchsticks. Which is a stable source of income.
Image courtesy
By the beautiful Mary Nyambura
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