Tuesday, 23 September 2014

7 Random Things I Want to know Before I Finish Campus

Just so we are clear, I said before I finish Campus not before I graduate. Those are two very different things, and isn't graduation just a ceremony,where there are very long speeches and they call out people's names? In public?
So seven things I want to know before I get out of my university;
1. I want to know how people who do crazy things think. How do they just do things?
And after that, I want to do something crazy myself. Probably compose a four line song and sing it in four different languages and make a hit song like the legendary Ken Wa Maria. No I think I should write one with two lines and sing in 6 languages. No too absurd. Probably 3 lines in 7 languages works well. What do they say about odd numbers? Or probably sit on some toilet and come up with a brilliant idea better than that of ATM machines, what better invention would rewrite the banking history? So don't just be sitting there, do something.
2. How do corporates make such a lot of money in just a short while?
I always remember when Safaricom, under Bob Collymore made a net profit of 11bn to 6 months ending September last year. How? Considering they run adverts every other time (which costs a lot of money) they pay employees. OK, I know that adverts brings in more customers, but wouldn't they still get clients without these many promotion campaigns? I mean it's Safaricom. Bob, a tour maybe? Advertising is where I want to major in, I'll know somehow. But speaking to the guys at Safaricom would be great. I have 1001 questions.
3. How does a media house work out, it's daily routine?
I only know about selling newspapers, announcing news.
I want to know the behind the scenes, and that why I'm in campus, to know this stuff, but unfortunately our School does not have a studio or anything. I only heard about two cameras and microphones. The whole process of requesting for one is full of bottlenecks so... I'll leave it at that. I need a media tour, Jeff, Larry, Julie, anyone? Caroline? Then probably I'll be taught in class, will it end here? I need a tour.
4. I want to know From people who work, do you get bored of doing the same thing every day of the week?
It is a life fact that we go to school so that we work for the rest of our lives, till we die. So we just do the same thing every day? I think creatives cannot. Let's say like designers, they design something new every day, but keyword is design. Everyday. So designing everyday. I personally will want to do something new, something adventurous, something that will bring out my alter ego. Maybe media, PR, advertising because I will meet creatives, different diverse people everyday. Aristotle said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and except different results.Be diverse,try something new. 
5. I also want to know how this beer flavoured coffee by Starbucks tastes like. Yes it tastes like beer I know. I meant tasting it using my taste buds.
Starbucks is a coffee chain in Washington DC. So i will probably have to travel to the  States to taste this glorious probably sweet coffee. Mine are valid. What is the point if tasting (like) beer and not get drunk? Exactly the reason why I need to taste it. Our very own Java should give us some actually. That is thinking outside the box, doing something no one else has done before, for Starbucks.

6. Do touts have to shout for people to enter their vehicles here in Nairobi?
People will not board their vehicles to their homes in the evening or to work in the morning?  Not that they have much of a choice anyway, so most probably they will still board the Matatus, without the shouting. And did I mention to you that they will probably hurl insults at you when you decide to go  to a rival Matatu operator? But then Nairobians are used to this kind of thing, it is part of life, it is our lifestyle. Then you board the Matatu and the conductor refuses to return your change. Use Bebapay cards, or any other cashless payment system.

7. So you have read all the above, what are you going to do about it?
Stand up do something and be counted. Do something with your life. Do something crazy.  Come out of that comfort zone. Lastly, you can join my share brigade,share.

1 comment:

  1. Good good Marto :)
    Hahah I'll follow up and see kama you'll have the answers when we finish school and GRADUATE!!
