Monday 15 September 2014

The rise of smartphone "Zombies"

Two, three things have happened lately; apple launched some new devices, iphone 6, iphone 6 plus and an apple watch. As part of the launch, the legendary Irish band U2 also released an album free for download to all iTunes users.
This apparently meant that the apple users who had their automatic download on would get the album - songs of innocence in their phone whether they wanted or not, rings a bell does it not? It is the same scenario actually, everyday when we consume products  from these guys,they force these products down our throats, but that's story for another day.
This (the forced album thing) caused a major uproar from apple users who did not want the album. There was much criticism for apple allowing this deal for it's users.
For the first few hours it wasn't easy to delete the album, but as of tonight, the company has provided a direct link for anyone wishing to discard the album. This is stoty is relevant how? I'll come to that in a few.
Another thing that happened; in a Chinese city called Chongqing where apparently the city authorities divided the walking pavement into two, so that the smartphone users who are always glued on their screens can have their own walking pavement to avoid hitting or colliding with children and elderly people.
Does the smartphone revolution get any ludicrous than this? No it does not. So along the 50 metre pavement we expect road signs such as slow down Dwandlers ahead, slow down smartphone zombies...
From people's reaction to the apple/U2 marketing gimme, it is obvious that truly these gadgets have become part of us, they define us, they describe our personality. They are good, they are bad.
Today texting is the norm, you do not text you are probably living in the 80s. You are either on whatsapp, viber or BB messenger, or all the above. You are either on Facebook, twitter, instagram, Tumblr etc.
Hey before you start judging me I'm in almost all the above save for a few. I agree Sharing meaning and information (communicating) is part of human existence, yes, and smartphones help us do the above role perfectly well. But how much is too much?  Are these gadgets a distraction to our daily activities and to our one on one interaction? Are they, I don't think so.
Why would we be using them if they distract us, weren't they meant to increase interaction? How come they now come in between interaction?
How much is too much?
Research shows the response time
of a driver using a smartphone to access social media, emails or texts slows by around 37.5% while driving, that is far much higher than after marijuana or moderate alcohol, so alcohol is not that bad after all.
This "smartphone" sensation has become serious that even in the UK it has been prohibited for any driver to use any handled devices while driving.
In America, towns are fining pedestrians who use smartphones while walking.
In Nairobi you will get arrested by "kanjo" for using your phone while crossing the busy streets.
However in Nairobi it is a more strange and odd case because, Nairobians are more afraid of being mugged while texting than being hit by a vehicle, or sometimes we are just afraid of the ridiculous city council, "kanjo".
To more " better " news, there is an app being developed-Crashalert by the university of Manitoba,Canada that will use distance-sensing camera that will scan the path ahead and inform the smartphone user of any hazards by flashing a red Square on the screen.

Do not text while driving, do not text while crossing the road, when you are talked to listen,do not be a

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