Saturday, 25 January 2014

Insecurity in Nairobi stinks

Insecurity in Nairobi and its environs is wanting. Recent surveys show that insecurity is Nairobians' major concern. Times are changing. This is totally agreeable. We live in a country where, not even the government can protect it's Citizens. A government which some say, is a government ran by clowns, and not our president nor the VP.
Times are changing and they are changing really fast. In the Nairobi of today, a girl is more afraid of getting pregnant more than getting HIV, a student will rather break a knee while saving his iPad from breaking. Speaking of ipads, the current sensation.
Actually I am afraid of owning one at the current state of security, insecurity rather, security is nonexistent.
A promo running on ntv, an investgative piece by Dennis Okari (the great). He plants mysterious bags at key public places and they go unnoticed; supermarkets, hospitals, airports even a police station falls victim of the same. Even in this terrifying  times of the uncountable al shabaab attacks, we still are not concious of our surroundings. Dennis Okari says he went out to seek for awareness but awareness he did not find. You will never do.
In a period of less than two weeks since we reopened for the second semester, more than 5 students  of my class have lost gadgets, expensive gadgets and I am afraid this will continue to happen. The police cannot help nor protect us, We have to protect ourselves.
Protect ourselves from this high-end and low-end thieves. Both thieves difference is the high-end thief will rob you off your thinking and the low-end will steal your smartphone.
You can never undo the former, but the latter can always be replaced .
We need leaders, we need men, men who will come in and give us security.
I was reading Kidero's take on insecurity during campaigns here
and those were really promising words he had. His metro police kanjo are the ones stealing from traders and harassing and minting money from innocent citizens. Infact people live in fear, because while walking in the streets of Nairobi it's either you are attacked by muggers or kanjo.
Honestly fellow Kenyans help won't come soon, borrowing from Boniface Mwangi's words," Kenyans need to learn how to face their own problems"
How do you explain a gang of 3 attacking a bus full of over 50 passangers, and they rob them off everything including money, phones and other valuables, and many of such cases go unreported FACT.
How does a lady get robbed in broad daylight, screams out and we are just there watching.
We need to protect ourselves, from vultures.
Muggers do not attack us on tribal lanes, it is high time we return the favour on the ballot, elect men and women who will join us in fighting other vultures, including the high and mighty.
Meanwhile, while we figure out how to help ourselves, we need to see our taxes doing something. The government should reqruit more into the force, the ratio of policemen to citizens is wanting!
Employment, let's see people going for the Uwezo funds with ease bottlenecks discourage the lazy Kenyan youth.
The 30% tenders to the youth, people should apply.
We are demanding that security be beefed up in the city even by the smallest margin, be sure we'll feel the difference.

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