Sunday, 28 December 2014

So My Year...

I am writing this, I have been wanting to write it for the longest time, but problem is, I came back home and the food around this place is crazy! Irrelevant, thanks.
I will make this fast because Real Husbands of... is up next, in the next like 20? Relevant.

I have had a great year, I have learnt and grown. I have interacted with many cool people. I am thankful for every thing God gave me; challenges because it is from that, I am better today. Opportunities as well. From BBC to Ogilvy PR. From these opportunities I got to confirm that I am on track, and moving in the right direction as they say.

I must say that my 2014 began on a very bad taste, lost my laptop (to thugs), then school problems. But I pulled through, and that I must say, was God.

2014 also helped me see media from a very different perspective. It is not just about entertainment, informing and glamour. It can also be advocacy, empowerment and development(growth). I learnt that apart from competing for  audiences, we can help audiences grow and help them take up actions. For that reason after this cause, development communication I'm coming! Be kind.

2014 took me places. Ogilvy PR! I visited this cool place and interacted with one Pancras. I even did an interview (my first one of its kind). Very insightful. Let me say after the interview, I was amazed of how someone can be so cool and still be very knowledgeable, smart. Most of the time you are gifted with one, or lack both. I won't say I have any. Hey Pancras I'm still waiting for the flyers LOL!

This post won't be complete without appreciating the cool people at BBC media action, BBC Sema Kenya to be precise. You guys really inspired me. Maybe I should just mention names; Davie, Sarah, Arthur, Norbert, Grace, Nasra, Geoffrey, OJ,JB and the list is endless! You have helped grow in mind and otherwise. How could I forget Jackie? You are a cool boss! Sarah thank you for hooking me up with Pancras,and the earphones thank you. Norbert thank you for that development project you helped with. Grace you also helped me with a broadcast project together with Sarah, thank you!

Mine wouldn't be the way it was without my cool classmates, very  unfortunate that we won't be in the same class next semester. And we will not be seeing more of each other,why? Because we are specializing! It's a good, bad thing right? We are a making major step in life my people. Soon we'll be graduating, let's keep our eyes on the big thing. Let's kick a$$. Go big or go home! It was great being your class rep for the shortest time, you people challenged me and helped me learn stuff. Should I mention your names? Really 80 plus people? All of you.

Family. Thank you mum. Thank you brother. Thank you sister. Lovely auntie. You rock my world! Good cousins, be good.

So 2015, I don't mean to be rude but be prepared to be kicked in the  a$$. I'll be generous and good at it. Come with better opportunities, challenges.